Ship 26
Test Vehicle
Ship 26 is an expendable Starship prototype with no flaps, heatshield, or payload bay.


Static Fire #2
Ship 26 conducted a static fire to verify the integrity of the new static fire stand at Masseys.
Static Fire Stand, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Mon Jun 03, 2024
Static Fire #1
Ship 26 conducted a single engine static fire.
Suborbital Pad B, Starbase, Texas, USA
Fri Oct 20, 2023
Preburner #1
Ship 26 conducted a preburner test.
Suborbital Pad B, Starbase, Texas, USA
Wed Oct 18, 2023
Cryogenic Proof Test #2
Ship 26 conducted a cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity of the vehicle.
Suborbital Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA
Mon Feb 27, 2023
Cryogenic Proof Test #1
Ship 26 conducted a cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity of the vehicle.
Suborbital Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA
Tue Feb 21, 2023