Booster 11
Test Vehicle
Booster 11 is a Super Heavy prototype that launched in Starship's fourth integrated flight test. Booster 11 became the first Super Heavy Booster to successfully complete a landing burn and touch down softly in the Gulf of Mexico.


Static Fire #1
Booster 11 performed a static fire of its 33 Raptor engines in preparation for the fourth Starship flight test.
Orbital Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA
Fri Apr 05, 2024
Cryogenic Proof Test #2
Booster 11 conducted a cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity on the vehicle.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Wed Oct 18, 2023
Cryogenic Proof Test #1
Booster 11 conducted a cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity on the vehicle.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Fri Oct 13, 2023