

GPS IIR-7 (USA-156)

Launch Time
Tue Jan 30, 2001 07:55 UTC


Delta II 7925
Image Credit: ULA
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 3,511 kN
Payload to GTO: 1,819 kg
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 9
Rocket Height: 38.1 m
Fairing Diameter: 2.9 m
Fairing Height: 8.49 m

Mission Details

GPS IIR-7 (USA-156)

GPS IIR (Global Positioning System) or Navstar IIR (Navigation System using Timing And Ranging) are the third evolution stage of the second generation of the GPS satellites.

The GPS IIR replenishment satellites were produced by General Electric Astrospace (later Martin Marietta and Lockheed Missiles & Space) under a contract issued in 1989, which included 21 satellites based on the commercial AS-4000 bus. These provided improved navigation accuracy and longer autonomous satellite operation than earlier model GPS satellites. The satellites were three-axis stabilized and operated at downlink frequencies of 1572.42 MHz and 1227.6 MHz (L-Band) and 2227.5 MHz (S-Band). Lockheed was responsible for launch and flight operations support of the GPS-IIR through 2006.

Block IIR satellites provided dramatic improvements over previous blocks. They could determine their own position by performing inter-satellite ranging with other IIR vehicles. They also had reprogrammable satellite processors enabling problem fixes and upgrades in flight, increased satellite autonomy, and radiation hardness.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 2,032.0 kg
Medium Earth Orbit


SLC-17A, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA



4th orbital launch attempt

Delta II

94th mission
1st mission of 2001
92nd successful mission
39th consecutive successful mission