Mission Details
GPS IIRM-4 (USA-196)
GPS IIRM (Global Positioning System) or Navstar IIRM (Navigation System using Timing And Ranging) are the fourth evolution stage of the second generation of GPS satellites.
The Block IIRM satellites include a new military signal and a more robust civil signal, known as L2C. There are eight satellites in the Block IIR-M series, which were built by Lockheed Martin. The GPS IIRM satellites were launched between September 2005 and August 2009.
Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 2,032.0 kg
Medium Earth Orbit
SLC-17A, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA
50th orbital launch attempt
United Launch Alliance
10th mission
9th mission of 2007
9th successful mission
5th consecutive successful mission
Delta II
132nd mission
6th mission of 2007
130th successful mission
77th consecutive successful mission