Ziyuan-2 02
Sun Oct 27, 2002 03:17 UTC
Mission Details
Ziyuan-2 02
ZY-2 (Ziyuan-2, 'Resource-2'), while reported as a civilian Earth observation system, was actually code-named JB-3 (Jianbing-3) and was China's first high-resolution military imaging satellite. They are reportedly used for area surveillance.
In October 2000 Chinese officials denied that the ZY-2 satellite had a military mission. It was reported to be a remote-sensing satellite equipped with CCD cameras and an infrared multispectral scanner that could only identify objects on the ground with a resolution of several dozen meters to 1 km.
The new satellite employed digital-imaging technology and has a resolution of 2 m or less. The satellite was designed and built by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology and was developed indigenously. It was said to be more advanced than earlier sensing satellites and was expected to have an orbital life of two years.