

San Marco 4

Launch Time
Mon Feb 18, 1974 10:05 UTC

Last flight of Scout D1 from San Marco.


Scout D1
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 622 kN
Payload to LEO: 185 kg
Payload to GTO: 0 kg
Stages: 4
Strap-ons: 0
Rocket Height: 21.0 m

Mission Details

San Marco 4

The Italian-built San Marco 4 spacecraft was part of a cooperative space effort between the Italian Space Commission (CRS) and NASA. The scientific objective of this flight was to measure the diurnal variations of the equatorial neutral thermosphere density, composition, and temperature for correlation with simultaneous Atmospheric Explorer C data. Studies of the physics and dynamics of the lower thermosphere were included.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 164.0 kg
Low Earth Orbit


SM Launch Tab, San Marco Launch Platform, Kenya



10th orbital launch attempt

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

6th mission
1st mission of 1974
6th successful mission


67th mission
1st mission of 1974
54th successful mission
16th consecutive successful mission