
Partial Failure

Vanguard 3

Launch Time
Fri Sep 18, 1959 05:20 UTC

Orbit too low. Last flight of Vanguard.


US Navy
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 135 kN
Payload to LEO: 10 kg
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 0
Rocket Height: 23.0 m

Mission Details

Vanguard 3

Vanguard 3 was launched by a modified Vanguard rocket from the Eastern Test Range into a geocentric orbit. The objectives of the flight were to measure the earth's magnetic field, the solar X-ray radiation and its effects on the earth's atmosphere, and the near-earth micrometeoroid environment. Instrumentation included a proton magnetometer, X-ray ionization chambers, and various micrometeoroid detectors. The spacecraft was a 50.8-cm-diameter magnesium sphere. The magnetometer was housed in a glass fiber phenolic resin conical tube attached to the sphere. Data transmission stopped on 11 December 1959, after 84 days of operation. The data obtained provided a comprehensive survey of the earth's magnetic field over the area covered, defined the lower edge of the Van Allen radiation belt, and provided a count of micrometeoroid impacts. Vanguard 3 has an expected orbital lifetime of 300 yr.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 23.0 kg
Medium Earth Orbit


LC-18A, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA



18th orbital launch attempt


11th mission
4th mission of 1959