Spektr-M (Millimetron)
Launch Time
NET 2030s
NET 2030s
Mission Details
Spektr-M (Millimetron)
Millimetron space observatory (Spektr-M) is a project of Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute , Russian Academy of Sciences (ASC LPI). It will be a 10-meter space telescope designed to study various objects in the Universe at millimeter and infrared wavelengths from 0.07 to 10 mm. The observatory has two operational modes: Space-Earth interferometer and the single-dish. The first mode will provide high angular resolution up to 10-8 – 10-9 arcseconds to study the structure of the most compact objects in the Universe – supermassive black holes. The second mode will have the best sensitivity to study the weakest sources of the Universe.
Payloads: 1
Sun–Earth L2