Haiyang 2C
Mon Sep 21, 2020 05:40 UTC
10th flight of the Long March 4B from Jiuquan. The first stage has been equipped with grid fins to control its descent. One of the grid fins was reused from the November 2019 flight. This is the first time that a reused part flies on a Chinese launcher.
Mission Details
Haiyang 2C
Haiyang 2C (Chinese: "Ocean"), abbreviated HY-2C, is a marine remote sensing satellite series planned by China. The spacecraft is three-axis stabilized using the CAST968 satellite platform. The spacecraft is being developed by the DFH (Dongfanghong Satellite Corporation Ltd.), a spin-off company of CASC (China Aerospace Science &Technology Corporation), Beijing, China.
The spacecraft has a pointing precision of < 0.1º in pitch, roll, and yaw and a pointing knowledge of < 0.05º. The HY-2C spacecraft will be operated by NSOAS (National Satellite Ocean Application Service) for a nominal lifetime of 3 years.