

Poppy 2A to 2C & Others

Launch Time
Sat Jun 15, 1963 14:29 UTC


Thor DM-21 Agena-D
US Air Force
Status: Retired
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 0

Mission Details

Poppy 2A & 2C

Poppy was the follow-on ELINT system, which succeeded the Grab ELINT satellite system. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) proposed and developed Poppy, an electronic intelligence (ELINT) satellite system in 1962. Poppy's mission was to collect radar emissions from Soviet air and missile defense radars. The primary organizations that supported the Poppy Program included NRO, NSA, NRL, the Naval Security Group, the Air Force Security Service, the Army Security Agency and the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Poppy 2B

Poppy was the follow-on ELINT system, which succeeded the Grab ELINT satellite system. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) proposed and developed Poppy, an electronic intelligence (ELINT) satellite system in 1962. Poppy's mission was to collect radar emissions from Soviet air and missile defense radars. The primary organizations that supported the Poppy Program included NRO, NSA, NRL, the Naval Security Group, the Air Force Security Service, the Army Security Agency and the Office of Naval Intelligence.


The LOFTI (Low Frequency Trans Ionospheric Satellite) satellites were produced as a cooperative effort with the Radio Division.

Surcal 3

Surcal (surveillance Calibration) satellites to calibrate the Naval Space Surveillance (NavSpaSur) system. They were produced in cooperation with the NRL group who had designed and developed the NavSpaSur system.

Wild Bill 4

Wild Bill 2 and 4 (Aftrack 27/Mission 7202 and Aftrack 33/Mission 7216) were ELINT/SIGINT payloads in the Aftrack program. Purpose of the Wild Bill ELINT packages was to search for signals from the HEN HOUSE ABM/AES radar that had been seen under construc- tion at Sary Shagan on images obtained by photographic reconnaissance satellites.


SLC-2E (75-1-1), Vandenberg SFB, California, USA



30th orbital launch attempt


71st mission
9th mission of 1963
52nd successful mission
3rd consecutive successful mission