

KH-5 10 (Corona 72) & Pundit 1

Launch Time
Tue Oct 29, 1963 21:19 UTC


Thor SLV2A Agena-D
US Air Force
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 1,571 kN
Stages: 2
Strap-ons: 3
Rocket Height: 31.0 m

Mission Details

KH-5 10 (Corona 72)

The KH-5, also known as Keyhole 5 or codenamed Argon, served as the area survey component within the Corona program. Equipped with the Argon camera, also referred to as Corona-A, this single-frame camera was integrated with standard Corona hardware, including the return vehicle (SRV). Operating with a ground resolution of approximately 140 meters, the KH-5 relied on the Agena-B stage for three-axis control and propulsion throughout its mission. Upon completion, the SRV was deorbited using its own small solid rocket motor.

Pundit 1

The Pundit satellites were part of a series of so called Program 11 or P-11 "Subsatellite Ferrets", low orbit ELINT/SIGINT satellites to pinpoint and characterize different Radar emitters in the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact states.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 108.0 kg


SLC-1W (75-3-4), Vandenberg SFB, California, USA



54th orbital launch attempt


79th mission
17th mission of 1963
60th successful mission
11th consecutive successful mission