NET 2nd Quarter, 2025
Mission Details
GOSAT-GW (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite Greenhouse gases and Water cycle), formerly known as GOSAT 3, is JAXA's next-generation satellite to monitor the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. It is the follow on to the GOSAT 2 (Ibuki 2) and GCOM-W (Shizuku) missions.
GOSAT-GW will have 2 instruments:
* Total Anthropogenic and Natural emissions mapping SpectrOmeter-3 (TANSO-3), for observing concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, over a wide area and with high precision for improved estimation accuracy of greenhouse gas emissions
* Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 3 (AMSR-3), which will estimate the geophysical quantity of Earth's water on land, sea-surface, and in the atmosphere.