

Resurs 500

Launch Time
Sun Nov 15, 1992 21:45 UTC


Soyuz U
Status: Retired
Price: $20.0 million
Liftoff Thrust: 4,456 kN
Payload to LEO: 6,860 kg
Payload to GTO: 0 kg
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 4
Rocket Height: 51.32 m
Fairing Diameter: 3.0 m
Fairing Height: 15.59 m

Mission Details

Resurs 500

The Resurs-F1 (17F41) was one of three subseries of the Soviet Resurs-F1 film-return Earth observation satellite family. They were a follow-on to the Fram (Zenit-4MKT) series.

The Resurs-F1 satellites were based on the Zenit-4 reconnaisance satellites. They featured a Zenit/Vostok type 2.3 m spherical reentry capsule, which housed the cameras and film, a service module, and an orbital maneuvering module. It was battery powered allowing for 14 days of operations, although up to 10 days on standby could be added. The differences between the 17F40, 17F41, and 17F43 versions are not clear.

The Priroda-4 imaging system consisted of a three-channel multispectral system that includes two KFA-1000 cameras and three KATE-200 cameras.

The KFA-1000 (SA-20M) cameras with 1000 mm focal length provided stereo images of up to 5 m resolution with a 60 km swath width. It had a capacity of 1800 frames.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 6,300.0 kg
Low Earth Orbit


Site 16/2, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia



77th orbital launch attempt

Soyuz U

677th mission
20th mission of 1992
658th successful mission
61st consecutive successful mission