

Soyuz TM-29

Launch Time
Sat Feb 20, 1999 04:18 UTC


Soyuz U
Status: Retired
Price: $20.0 million
Liftoff Thrust: 4,456 kN
Payload to LEO: 6,860 kg
Payload to GTO: 0 kg
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 4
Rocket Height: 51.32 m
Fairing Diameter: 3.0 m
Fairing Height: 15.59 m

Mission Details

Soyuz TM-29

Soyuz TM-29 was a Russian crewed spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard a Soyuz rocket. It docked with Mir on February 22 at 05:36 GMT with Cosmonauts Viktor Afanasyev of Russia, Jean-Pierre Haigneré of France, and Ivan Bella of Slovakia aboard. Since two crew seats had been sold (to Slovakia and France), Afanasyev was the only Russian cosmonaut aboard. This meant that Russian engineer Avdeyev already aboard Mir would have to accept a double-length assignment. After the February 27 departure of EO-26 crew commander Padalka and cosmonaut Bella aboard Soyuz TM-28, the new EO-27 Mir crew consisted of Afanasyev as Commander, Avdeyev as Engineer and French cosmonaut Haigneré.

The Soyuz is a Soviet crewed spaceship, developed to made crewed lunar missions. This version called 7K will fly 4 times on the giant launcher N1, and several tens of times on Proton to fly over the Moon, which will be successful during the mission Zond 4. Soyuz will become the first spacecraft to transport living beings to the Moon during the flight of Zond 5, with two turtles. Subsequently, it is adapted to low orbit and will fly on the Soyuz launcher to serve the Salyut and Mir stations and the ISS.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 7,150.0 kg
Low Earth Orbit


Site 1/5, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan



7th orbital launch attempt

Soyuz U

754th mission
2nd mission of 1999
733rd successful mission
24th consecutive successful mission