

Alouette 2 & Explorer 31 (DME-A)

Launch Time
Mon Nov 29, 1965 04:48 UTC


Thor DM-21 Agena-B
US Air Force
Status: Retired
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 0

Mission Details

Explorer 31 (DME-A)

Explorer 31 was a small ionospheric observatory instrumented to make direct measurements of selected ionospheric parameters at the spacecraft. It carried seven experiments: a thermal ion experiment, a thermal electron experiment, an electrostatic probe, an electron temperature probe, a spherical mass spectrometer, an energetic electron current monitor, and a magnetic ion-mass spectrometer. Since the spacecraft had no tape recorder, data could be observed at the spacecraft only when the spacecraft was in sight of the telemetry station and when commanded on. Experiments were operated either simultaneously or sequentially, as desired.
Satellite performance was satisfactory except for a partial power failure in May 1966, which reduced data acquisition time to about half the nominal amount. Some difficulties were encountered in obtaining attitude information that was necessary for the reduction of the experiment observations. On July 1, 1969, the satellite data observations were terminated with five of the seven experiments operating. Responsibility for standby monitoring of the satellite was given to the ESSA telemetry station at Boulder, Colorado, on July 8, 1969. During this standby operation, experiment data were collected only once on October 1, 1969, for 9 min from the electrostatic probe for use in studying a red arc event. On January 15, 1971, no response was received from a variety of satellite commands, and the satellite was abandoned.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 99.0 kg
Highly Elliptical Orbit

Alouette 2

Alouette 2 was a small ionospheric observatory instrumented with a sweep-frequency ionospheric sounder, a VLF receiver, an energetic particle experiment, a cosmic noise experiment, and an electrostatic probe.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 147.0 kg
Highly Elliptical Orbit


SLC-2E (75-1-1), Vandenberg SFB, California, USA



109th orbital launch attempt


122nd mission
16th mission of 1965
99th successful mission
5th consecutive successful mission