

KH-4A 49 (Corona 130) & P-801 1

Launch Time
Thu Dec 12, 1968 22:22 UTC


Thorad SLV-2G Agena-D
US Air Force
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 1,571 kN
Stages: 2
Strap-ons: 3
Rocket Height: 31.0 m

Mission Details

KH-4A 49 (Corona 130

The KH-4A (Keyhole-4A) represented the fifth iteration within the Corona program aimed at constructing optical reconnaissance satellites. It was equipped with two J-1 panoramic cameras, each having a focal length of 61 cm and providing a ground resolution of 2.7 meters. Additionally, the KH-4A carried a 4 cm index camera with a focal length of 38 mm, offering a ground resolution of 162 meters and a frame coverage of 308 km × 308 km.

P-801 1

The P-801 (or Program 801) satellites were a special series among the so called "Subsatellite Ferrets", low orbit ELINT/SIGINT satellites to pinpoint and characterize different Radar emitters in the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact states. Before their program name was known, they are referred to as "Subsatellite Ferret C" (SSF-C).


SLC-3W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA



121st orbital launch attempt


160th mission
11th mission of 1968
135th successful mission
6th consecutive successful mission