

KH-4A 50 (Corona 132) & Tivoli 2

Launch Time
Wed Mar 19, 1969 21:38 UTC


Thorad SLV-2G Agena-D
US Air Force
Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 1,571 kN
Stages: 2
Strap-ons: 3
Rocket Height: 31.0 m

Mission Details

KH-4A 50 (Corona 132)

The KH-4A (Keyhole-4A) represented the fifth iteration within the Corona program aimed at constructing optical reconnaissance satellites. It was equipped with two J-1 panoramic cameras, each having a focal length of 61 cm and providing a ground resolution of 2.7 meters. Additionally, the KH-4A carried a 4 cm index camera with a focal length of 38 mm, offering a ground resolution of 162 meters and a frame coverage of 308 km × 308 km.

Tivoli 2

The Tivoli (Technical Intelligence Vehicle Orbital Life Indefinite) satellites were part of a series of so called Program 11 or P-11 "Subsatellite Ferrets", low orbit ELINT/SIGINT satellites to pinpoint and characterize different Radar emitters in the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact states.


SLC-3W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA



31st orbital launch attempt


162nd mission
2nd mission of 1969
137th successful mission
8th consecutive successful mission