Nimbus 5
Launch Time
Mon Dec 11, 1972 07:56 UTC
Mon Dec 11, 1972 07:56 UTC
Mission Details
Nimbus 5
Nimbus 5 (also called Nimbus E or Nimbus V) was a meteorological satellite for research and development of sensing technology. It was the fifth successful launch in a series of the Nimbus program.
The objective of Nimbus 5 was to test and evaluate advanced sensing technology, and to provide improved photographs of cloud formations. There were 6 science instruments aboard Nimbus 5:
1) Infrared Temperature Profile Radiometer (ITPR)
2) Selective Chopper Radiometer (SCR)
3) Nimbus E Microwave Spectrometer (NEMS)
4) Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR)
5) Surface Composition Mapping Radiometer (SCMR)
6) Temperature/Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR)
Details about these instruments are accessible via the Wiki link.
Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 770.0 kg
Low Earth Orbit
SLC-2W, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA
104th orbital launch attempt
Delta 0100 Series
3rd mission
3rd mission of 1972
3rd successful mission