

E-1 n°1 (Luna-1)

Launch Time
Tue Sep 23, 1958 07:40 UTC

First launch of the Vostok rocket, first Russian moonshot attempt. Failed at T+92 seconds for same reason as Sputnik-3 (vibrations in strap-ons).


Status: Retired
Liftoff Thrust: 4,570 kN
Payload to LEO: 4,730 kg
Payload to GTO: 0 kg
Stages: 3
Strap-ons: 4
Rocket Height: 38.36 m
Fairing Diameter: 2.58 m
Fairing Height: 6.74 m

Mission Details

E-1 n°1 (Luna-1)

The Ye-1 series of soviet lunar probes were the first attempt to reach the surface of the moon. Only one of four probes was successfully launched, receiving the name Luna 1 (also Lunik 1), but missed the moon.

The 361 kg Ye-1 probes consisted of a spherical, pressurized container. Five antennae extended from one hemisphere, while instrument ports protruded from the surface of the sphere. The probes were battery powered and contained radio equipment, a tracking transmitter, a telemetry system, five different sets of scientific devices for studying interplanetary space (including a magnetometer, Geiger counter, scintillation counter, and micrometeorite detector), and other equipment.

During the flight to the moon, the upper stage of the launch vehicle released a 1 kg sodium cloud for tracking purposes.

At the end of their journey, the Ye-1 probes would crash into the Moon, delivering two metallic pennants with the Soviet coat of arms.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 361.0 kg
Trans Lunar Injection


Site 1/5, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan



20th orbital launch attempt


1st mission
1st mission of 1958
1st failed mission