

ViaSat-3 Americas & Others

Launch Time
Mon May 01, 2023 00:26 UTC

First Falcon Heavy launch to expend all three cores, and first Falcon Heavy launch to use flight-proven fairing halves. Additionally, this was the 100th reuse of flight-proven fairing halves in the Falcon family, and the furthest downrange recovery of fairing halves, at 1960km downrange.


Falcon Heavy
Image Credit: SpaceX
Status: Active
Price: $97.0 million
Liftoff Thrust: 22,819 kN
Payload to LEO: 63,800 kg
Payload to GTO: 26,700 kg
Stages: 2
Strap-ons: 2
Rocket Height: 70.0 m
Fairing Diameter: 5.2 m
Fairing Height: 13.0 m




Flight #3
1406 day turnaround


Flight #8
238 day turnaround


Flight #1

Mission Details

ViaSat-3 Americas

The ViaSat-3 class of Ka-band satellites is expected to provide vastly superior capabilities in terms of service speed and flexibility for a satellite platform. The first two satellites will focus on the Americas and on Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), respectively, with the third satellite planned for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, completing Viasat's global service coverage. Each ViaSat-3 class satellite is expected to deliver more than 1 terabit per second of network capacity and to leverage high levels of flexibility to dynamically direct capacity to where customers are located.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 6,400.0 kg
Geostationary Earth Orbit


Arcturus is a telecommunications satellite built and operated by Astranis Space Technologies with capacity leased exclusively to Pacific Dataport. The spacecraft will provide high-speed internet to remote areas in Alaska.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 300.0 kg
Geostationary Earth Orbit

G-Space 1 (Nusantara H-1A)

The CubeSat was placed in a geostationary orbit and will host several payloads, including Earth observation, scientific experiments, and bring-into-use (BIU) services at Ku, Ka, and V/Q frequency bands. One of the payloads, Nusantara H-1A, is an Indonesian placeholder satellite that will temporarily use the frequencies of a geostationary orbital slot reserved for a delayed communications satellite, allowing Indonesia to retain the rights to those frequencies. Another payload, called Orbit Guard, is being developed by Infinite Orbits, and it will use next-generation computer vision capabilities driven by machine learning-based estimation techniques to track Resident Space Objects (RSOs) for Space Situational Awareness.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 22.0 kg
Geostationary Earth Orbit


LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA



65th orbital launch attempt


232nd mission
28th mission of 2023
226th successful mission
198th consecutive successful mission

Falcon Heavy

6th mission
2nd mission of 2023
6th successful mission