Structural Test Article
B2.1 is a test vehicle made with a ship thrust dome and a booster aft skirt. The purpose of this unusual tank is not clear.


Cryogenic Proof Test #3
The B2.1 test tank conducted a cryogenic proof test.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Fri Dec 03, 2021
Cryogenic Proof Test #2
The B2.1 test tank conducted a cryogenic proof test.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Thu Dec 02, 2021
Cryogenic Proof Test #1
The B2.1 test tank conducted a cryogenic proof test. This was the first usage of the orbital tank farm for testing.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Wed Dec 01, 2021