Starship SN4
Test Vehicle
Starship SN4 was the first full-scale tank section to pass a cryogenic proof test. It then went on to complete several successful static fires, before being lost in an explosion after a quick disconnect issue, following a successful static fire. It used Raptor engine SN18 for the first round of static fire testing and Raptor SN20 for the second round.
Static Fire #5
Starship SN4 exploded during its fifth static fire test. The test used Raptor SN20, which functioned nominally. However, as part of the test, the quick disconnect umbilicals were disconnected. They failed to properly shut their valves during the disconnect process – leaking large amounts of propellant. The propellant was then ignited, leading to a loss of the Starship vehicle.
Suborbital Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA
Fri May 29, 2020
Static Fire #4
Static Fire #3
Starship SN4 completed its third static fire. This test used Raptor SN20. During the static fire, a ground support pipe was knocked loose by Raptor's thrust – causing a fuel leak. The leak caused a small fire, resulting in minor damage at the pad.
Suborbital Pad A, Starbase, Texas, USA
Tue May 19, 2020