Ship 31
Test Vehicle
Ship 31 is a Starship upper-stage prototype.


Cryogenic Proof Test #3
Ship 31 conducted another cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity of the vehicle.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Wed Jul 03, 2024
Cryogenic Proof Test #2
Ship 31 conducted a cryogenic proof test to verify the structural integrity of the vehicle, and to verify that the issues during its previous cryogenic proof test were resolved.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Tue Jul 02, 2024
Cryogenic Proof Test #1
Ship 31 conducted a cryogenic proof test intended to verify the structural integrity of the vehicle. During the test, an electrical issue and damage were seen on part of the raceway. Ship 31 was returned to the production site for repairs after this test.
Cryostation, Massey Outpost, Texas, USA
Sun May 12, 2024